Rought Draft/ The venemous Serpent

When I was born my mom was struggling to raised me so she decided it was best for her to leave me with my grandmother until she can afford a better life for us. I was raised alone with no right to go outside the house or play with other kids. My grandfather was a thoughtless man who believes that every single kid in the neighborhood was a bad influence. I was only alow to go out to school or the store to buy stuff like coffee or sugar and like every time in my way to the stored I stop to meet new friends and play with them sometimes.

My grandfather wanted me to study really hard because he wanted me to be a professional in any career path decided to study. But I was afraid of turning crazy like my uncle who used to speak to spirits in his room. My uncle study three different languages English, French, and Italian he was gifted. I always used to believe that my uncle turned crazy because his commitment was so strong to study and become someone. Every single week he read a new book and loved to practice his English languages.

My grandmother always had the heart of a sweatest and when I was sad it used to worries her because she knew I was punished for life for no reason. Even though I had a kinder of a good life like waking up in the morning to this sweet honey smell in the kitchen with my favorite breakfast serve to eat and at noon she also used to make me favorite lunch dumpling with tuna and onions. Also, she taught me to bathe, brush my teeth and when I got sick she laid down with me, and her warm love used to make me feel much better. Her hair was long and every time she laid down with me it felt like I was being showered with roses or like that feeling of getting out of a nice fresh shower. We never used to forget to pray in the afternoon because it was her devotional to God and way to tell him to thank you.

The day that passed it a day I grow and by the time I knew it was Saturday or Sunday because in the afternoon the kids of my neighborhood play tagged games and run around. I was jealous, angry, and couldn’t understand why the kids of my neighborhood were alow to go outside and play. I used to ask myself have their parents haven’t notice outside it’s a dangerous place for their kids. It was hard for me to understand so I kept running away from home until my grandfather decided to construct a wall in the front yard heigh enough so I didn’t escape. I didn’t give up I kept searching for escape and find out that for me to be able to leave the house it had to be at night time through the forest.

I try to escape throw the woods behind our home and my grandma sprinted after me. I couldn’t understand how she ran after me and caught me. She grabbed me by the hand and took me home and sat me down. After an hour I saw a bruise in her left hands I was confused why she had it. I started to wonder if a snake bit her in the woods. That day I felt guilty for my actions and didn’t know how to explain to my family that when she ran after me in the woods I saw a serpent and I was questioning myself maybe the serpent was venomous and might bit her. I was just hoping everything to turn out fine and that the bruise soon fades away. I felt loved by my grandmother I still couldn’t believe the fact she was hurt because of my fault. I remember she started getting sick and my aunt takes her to the hospital and she spoke her last words to my aunt told her to take care of my grandson and my son who had turn crazy. They took her to more than five hospitals and she appeared to feel sicker in the hospital. The doctor calls her and told her to take her to the next hospital but my grandmother was already dead and there is nothing we could do.

My aunt blamed me for her death and told me, “you killed my mom, you don’t belong to this family anymore. Go elsewhere before you do more damage than what you have already caused.” I felt terrible like someone staved me right on my heart. I didn’t know what to say or do because I was just a kid. I felt that my aunt was jealous because she was just worried about me.

I came to understand that my grandma didn’t die because of a snake bite but rather because of rat poison. After hearing this, my aunt was broken because she realized she had run me out of the house, and she wanted to apologize, but I didn’t forgive her back then. I felt guilty about my grandmother’s death for a long period of time because I taught I kill my grandmother when she ran after me in the woods. It came to be a big lie and also that the reason I wasn’t allowed to go outside because someone would kidnap me but rather that my family was envy for there fortune. Today I am 23 years old and I have forgiven her even though we have lost connections since that day. If you were in my situation, would you forgive her? 

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